Soul Himalaya

Aug 11,2023


Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile

Tourism allows us to explore unexpected destinations, encounter new experiences, and delve into the unique way of life of people. Although we might eventually have to depart from our travel destinations, it is important to realize that there are communities that live there, whose lives can be impacted by our actions. At SoulHimalaya, we recognize that our journeys leave footprints, and we' re dedicated to ensuring that these footprints lead to positive change. Keeping this in mind, we constantly work to bring a difference in the lives of the communities that we encounter on our journey.

Your contribution through every reservation: A certain percentage of all the travel packages you book with us goes towards meaningful projects and programs which are aimed at the community and the environment. From education-related projects to improving the lives of animals like street dogs, with us, you are not only embarking on a trip but contributing to something bigger.

Working with communities, for the communities:We believe that our small initiatives can be impactful in bringing a change in the lives of people and working with communities for the betterment of the community. Education is an important tool for navigating the world and bringing change, and we believe that nothing should get in the way of a person’s right to quality education. With this in mind, we have organized various programs for the betterment of school children. Realizing the necessity of warm clothes for school children in the harsh, cold weather in our recent visit to the village of Okhaldhunga, we collaborated with our clients, to distribute warm coats and uniforms to the students as well as teachers of the school of Patle and neighboring villages. In addition, we have also helped provide our services and support to the Thuptengchorling Gumba of the Pikey Peak region of Nepal. Similarly, during the COVID Pandemic, we also collaborated with the Solar Distribution Project, to help improve the lives of communities in the rural areas of Nepal. 

Active practitioners of sustainable tourism:With our aim to minimize the impacts of tourism on the communities and the environment, we strongly believe in sustainable and responsible tourism and follow it in every step of our travel journey. With this belief strongly instilled in the team members, we work to bring this awareness and realization to our clients as well. In this regard, we also constantly participate and contribute to various awareness-raising programs to promote tourism that is safe, sustainable, and responsible.

Volunteering Initiatives: In addition to conducting programs for the communities, we also actively involve our travelers through volunteering initiatives. Involving our travelers allows you to actively engage in our mission of ‘giving back’ across the world. We organize various volunteer activities collaborating with different organizations, where you not only explore places but also work with the people living there, forging lifelong connections with the communities.