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Soul Himalaya Treks & Tours Nepal
Soul Himalaya Treks & Tours Nepal


Visit the most coveted and untouched parts of South East Asia. We hope to help you retouch with the Nature in the most comforting way possible.

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Explore over 80 destinations, engage in more than 100 activities, and discover over 1000 compelling reasons to embrace the natural lifestyle. explore


8+ Packages , 10+ activities and 100 reasons to enjoy the Natural Life explore


The roof of the World explore


Amazing Heritage, Great Experience... explore

Our Story

Soul Himalaya Treks & Tours Nepal

Established in 2016, Soul Himalaya Treks and Travels is committed to providing the highest quality trek and tour experience, with exceptional service and tireless dedication. From the rugged wilderness to the pristine mountains, Nepal has a lot to offer and we aim to deliver it all. Combining challenge with comfort, and serenity with safety, our trekking, and mountaineering services are curated to meet all your expectations and more.

Soul Himalaya Treks & Tours Nepal

Social Activates

We proudly support a range of impactful projects aimed at making a positive difference in various spheres.

Why with Soul Himalaya


Environment-Friendly Travel Ways

Embracing environmentally conscious travel minimizes ecological impact, preserving natural beauty.


Supporting Local Businesses

Empower communities through fair trade, fostering resilience and strength in our collective journey.


No Animal Abuse

Our company strongly advocates for the ethical treatment of all animals working closely with local communities to raise awareness about their welfare.


Transparency & Safety

At every level of our operations, we ensure open communication and clear accountability, creating an environment of trust and safety with our clients. 


Local Experience

Embark on unique journeys, embrace local culture, and savor the extraordinary. Transform every moment into lasting memories, transcending the ordinary tourist experience.


Back a project with each tour reservation

Book with us, create memories, and change lives! Your reservation empowers local communities through education, healthcare, and environmental initiatives.

Join Upcoming Trips

For solo travelers in Nepal preferring a communal adventure over independent exploration, our scheduled departure treks offer a perfect blend of shared experiences. Stay updated on upcoming treks and associated dates, and inquire now for optimal offers. Collaborate with friends for coordinated planning or opt for tailored itineraries by reaching out to us directly.

Soul Himalaya Leaders & Team

Nothing makes us happier than having a team of like minded people working towards the same goal. A journey of delight with friends and family, meet the minds behind Soul Himalaya

What our clients say

Here are some of our happy Clint's, hikers sharing their Journey.

Our partners

Organizations that help us to reach our goal. Without their support, all these amazing adventures wouldn't be possible.